2018/03/1-3 Thur Children's Church Conf
Mick Woodcock checking last minute details before it begins!
Here we go! Mick opens in prayer & introductions of the next 3 days upcoming events.
A full house from the US & other countries.
Worship & praise to God.
Rich Maerk leads adults in children's praise & action songs.
Wow! They put out child-like energy with actions to the song.
Young Servants put on a skit that teaches the way children love to learn.
Let the puppet light show begin! Exciting!
Children (and adults) love the puppets. A fantastic way for children to learn.
Mick welcomes Pastor Angel Morales as the opening speaker.
Pastor Morales attended Children's Church as a child at the Prescott church.
What a convicting sermon!
The altar space was full of people asking God to give them a heart for children.
See you tomorrow morning bright & early. Be ready!