2018 Native American Day

Pastor Artie & Sandra Aragon went to Chinle, AZ with their young family to start a fellowship church many years ago.

Every year the Prescott Church celebrates a special Native American Day and Pastor Aragon preaches here.

Many people respond to the altar call.

And now it is the evening service. Pastor Aragon preaches again & WE ARE IN FOR A SPECIAL TREAT!

Most of the Native Americans that have come are in their traditional dress.

Some of the young men that help put up & take down the Conference tents.

The Chinle Choir! WOW.

Never too old or infirm to serve God! Yvonne Begay got saved & delivered from alcohol 12 yrs ago and has been a faithful saint ever since.

Shaun Haven has been saved for over 20 yrs and is the choir director. He does a fantastic job. Thank you.

What a wonderful sight and sound!

This young man testifies of a completely changed life by the blood of Jesus that forgives our sins.

This young woman testifies to a changed life & restored marriage by God's grace.

Pastor Artie & the young disciples ask Pastor Greg Mitchell to join them on the platform.

Pastor Greg is presented with a large offering from the Native American Churches to help finance Prescott's building project. They gave sacrificially!!

Many answered the altar call to renew their desire to "go ye into all the world to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ".