2018/08/04 Healing Crusade
One night healing crusade in Prescott Valley at the Civic Center Amphitheater.
Turning Point band played to start the evening.
Pastor Wayman Mitchell brought the message that Jesus saves and heals.
People on the lawn in chairs, on blankets and just sitting in the grass.
A large crowd attended.
Pastor Mitchell gave the altar call for salvation.
Several people responded to pray the sinners prayer.
Seven people were saved that night. Praise God
Young man prayed the sinners prayer on stage and was also healed.
Many people were prayed for for healing.
This man's leg grew out over an inch and his back pain was healed.
This woman was prayed for due to a back injury.
This girl had a severe neck injury due to a bad fall.
Pastors laid hands on her and prayed for healing in Jesus name.
She was gloriously healed!! She cried tears of joy!