2018/07/15 Groundbreaking

The banner is up and ready for the ceremony.

The congregation begins to gather.

The Prescott Church Council members.

Pastors Wayman Mitchell, Keith Sullivan & Diego Galvan.

Pastor Greg Mitchell opens the ceremony.

Pastor Sullivan opens in prayer.

Prescott Choir

April Sanchez sings the solo part.

This and the next picture are a panorama of the large crowd that attended.

Pastor Greg introduces the ones to give their testimonies.

Janet Foley got saved as a young teen at the first church on Lincoln Street.

Passing through Prescott from New York with two friends, Louie Paulino got saved at the Ruth Street Church.

Matt Hepburn gave up playing in secular bands after getting saved in our present building.

Our pastors listen to the life changing testimonies!

The pastors and the church council members man the shovels to break ground.

Pastor Wayman Mitchell is never too old to see God's work increase. He shoveled better than anyone!!!