2018/03/26-29 Fussell Revival

Sun AM started an incredible 5 day revival with Evangelist Jerry Fussell from Tucson.

He preaches God's word with authority.

A broken young man gives his life to Jesus by praying the sinner's prayer.

A Spanish interpreter is needed.

Jerry prays for God to heal her.

A woman with a long time neck injury is prayed for & can move her head better.

Prayer for healing of a heart problem.

An older lady needs healing.

The look of joy on her face when the pain is gone is priceless.

The young man who got saved receives the Holy Ghost speaking in other tongues.

Many were saved during that week of revival!

Lady answers the altar call & is led in prayer.

Jerry Fussell ministers to the lady later in the service.

A young woman with an arm injury wants God to heal her.

A look of joy and delight at God's power to heal.

A word of knowledge is given to one of our young women.