2018/01/08-12 Lighter Moments at Conference

Sweet fun before service.

Pastor Keith Sullivan. An interesting tongue!!

Father and son--What's so funny?!

Still smiling while sitting on the bleachers.

Silly boys in children's church.

Pastor Scott Lamb having a good time while preaching.

Always in her place and still a beautiful smile.

Teens having crazy fun!

These interpreters are having too good a time!

What is happening here!!!

Alan the donut thief headed for the exit.

Stop!! Those are a precious commodity.

Pastor Greg teaching his dad the internet, maybe?

More faithful (silly) musicians on the platform!

Let the camera come around the corner and all the tongues come out!

Love those shirts. Who is the photo bomber ? Oh, Kris Hart of course. We love you Kris.

A children's church worker has as much clay fun as the kids.

Hey, look at us grandma and click that camera!

Oh my. Let the donut eating contest begin!!

Help me bro, take a big bite!!